Thursday, December 31, 2009

Now on the App Store

We now have a presence on the App Store. Please leave comments on this blog if you have any questions related to our apps. Thank you!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Apple Macbook 13 inch

An alternative to the Netbook or the usual PC laptop is the Mac. We recommend this Mac if you would like an non-PC alternative to your small business. Many small business owners that own Macs praise the quality of its build, reliability and ease of use. It takes are bit to get used to it. But after you are used to it, you will not want to go back.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Netbooks for Small Business

Many of our small business clients are interested in Netbooks. They are small, inexpensive and suitable for many of their business needs. 

We at CUIM consulting recommend the HP Mini

They are small, versatile and runs Windows XP which can run most existing applications. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Web Service for Small Business

The new app engine technoglogy from google is a great way to deploy some webapps for small business. Usually it's a pain when your on site server fails and you can't do your work. In such a case,  a backup web service hosted by app engine could be useful. Since the reliability of the web service cannot be guaranteed for both external and internal services. It might be useful to have web services deployed both internally and externally. Free services such as app engine might make this much more feasible.